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Blast Sensing Solutions

Advanced Materials and Devices, Inc. (AMAD) brings its innovative wearable, direction-independent blast sensors to the warfighter and the public.  Two lines of sensors with directionally-independent blast capturing capabilities have been developed: the OmniBlast™ Air and OmniBlast ™Water.

  The OmniBlast™ Air and OmniBlast™ Water provide crucial blast exposure data for air and underwater blasts. The data enables the correlation of repeated blast exposure to injuries, as well as to structural damage.

Why Choose OmniBlast™?

AMAD’s sensors have a unique sensing approach to capture blast waves regardless of orientation.  The OmniBlast™ sensors will capture blast exposure data when the directionality of the blast source is unknown.

OmniBlast™ Water 

Direction-Independent Underwater Blast Sensor

OmniBlast™ Water : “Wearable underwater and in-air blast sensor,” Patent #: 11,668,614, 2023.  

OmniBlast™ Air

Direction-Independent Air Blast Sensor

OmniBlast™ Air : “Wearable Multi-Directional Blast Sensor,” Patent  #: 12,000,747, 2024. 


Advanced Materials and Devices, Inc. has developed the OmniBlast™ Sensor Manager (OSM) plug-in for the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK). This is available for civilian use, while the Android Tactical Assault Kit, also known as ATAK, is designated for military use. The OSM plug-in facilitates wireless management and viewing of blast events from OmniBlast devices. A demonstration of the OSM software is presented in the video below.

About Blast Exposure 

420,000 cases of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on Service Members were reported between 2000 and 2020.  It is estimated that a majority of TBIs are a result of blast exposure, with 70% of 43,852 participants screened for a TBI having a blast-related injury.   There is a need for a wearable blast sensor and medical database to correlate the blast exposure amplitude to the severity of the injury.

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